Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Breaking Out!!! I am Limitless!!!

Great day everyone!!! As promised this week I am going to share with you some of those beliefs that has been passed on for so many generations and did a good job of suppressing most people’s abilities of reaching their full potential. Search your own life if you have been holding on to these kind of beliefs, learn to discard them and bring out the whole new YOU!!! If you say these empowering beliefs are not possible, then your brain would stop searching for ways that could make you better than you were, but if you would say YES these are possible, then you brain would start thinking HOW? And mind you many great things started with the question “HOW?”.

       When a thought has been introduced to you, usually it does not readily stick  to your memory especially  if you do not agree with the thought. But if these ideas are persistently introduced, it will slowly be etched in the memory, later into the subconscious and would get incorporated with our personality. These beliefs are very very common to all of us that you cannot almost say that it is indeed wrong.

Limiting belief  : “Money is the root of all evil”

                As I have discussed in the previous blog post, this belief has been inculcated in our brains ever since time immemorial. That one should  not aim for money if one should want to walk the path to holiness or to be able to enter God’s kingdom. But then if money is indeed the root of all evil then why is it the center of our commerce? Why do we have to work so hard to earn it? Why do we even offer it to our places of worship?
                It is hypocrisy to say, “I didn’t work for money, for it is service that I am after.” Well if it is then would you be willing to give your salary instead to those who need it most? Let us accept the fact, that if we want to survive in this competitive world we need money and I mean all of us. Money is not the root of all evil for it is designed to for the good of those who would use it. It is on how the money is used that would give the determinant as to whether it was used for the good or bad. Money does not change one’s character, it just amplifies what the person truly is. A good man with lots of money will do even better and help more people than ever, whereas an evil man with lots of money will spawn all kinds of trouble and evil deeds. Persistent belief that money is the root of all evil limits an idividual’s ability to create more money because o one wants to be associated with evil. Perhaps this is one reason why a naturally abundant Christian country like ours remains in the thirld world. It is not money that is the root of all evil, rather the LOVE/LACK of it causes all evil.
                To this point, I would like to change this belief with this :Empowering belief: “I am not afraid of gaining more money for it will bring me more opportunities to do good and help more people.”

Limiting Belief: “ Rich people are bad and greedy”

                Isn’t this viewpoint familiar? Eversince we’re young we see it on media presentations that rich people are portrayed as either druglords, oppressors or ganglords. Almost never that they are shown as normal individuals who also breathe, bathe and eat and that some are bad but some if not most, are also good individuals. It seems like you cannot be rich in an honest way and you really have to cheat or swindle on your way up the ladder of the rich.
                If we are going to look closely into the Bible, most heroes we could find are actually rich people. Abraham was promised to be a father of generations as many as the stars in the sky and one cannot keep that many people if you do not have enough resources. King David is rich, and so is King Solomon, said to be the richest man to ever walk the earth. How come these people are very close to God despite their abundance? It is because being rich does not necessarily mean bad nor does it necessarily reflect one that is greedy. We grew up having this idea in our minds which eventually limited our potential to get rich because we consciously or unconsciously avoid getting rich. Why? Because nobody wants to be called bad or greedy. But if you have only avoided this belief and got rich, would you be bad and greedy? Most people did not..for the more they received the more grateful they are for the blessings they have received and the more people they have actually helped.
                So now, we discard that thought and replace it with this: Empowering Belief: “I can be rich and spiritual at the same time.”

Limiting Belief: “Money is not important, what’s important is we’re happy”

                If you had this belief, then you would not really aspire of getting money for you would think that it is not really important at all. It is true that money never hugs back, nor it could give you everything your heart would desire but if we would look closely many things in this world runs because of money. The reason you work hard is to get yourself more money to feed your family and buy you and your family things that could bring you happiness. It is not true anymore that love will keep us alive,for those who are lovestruck, for even a single stem of a rose costs so much now and you can’t possibly be happy on a date when both of you are starving. Even works of charity would need money for their cause to prosper,otherwise, they would just wither and die.Churches and temples would not stand alone with love and faith but with money too.Can you still be happy if you are dying of an illness that can be cured if only you have enough money for the treatment?  In this world where nothing really is for free if one should look closely, money is a must-have commodity to keep everything up and running. Have you ever envisioned yourself having no money at all? What would your life be? Can you still be truly happy?
                Now then let us not be afraid of gaining more money for: Empowering Belief: “Money is important in all areas of life”.

Limitig Belief: “No Pain, No Gain”-One must work hard to earn money

                Very common isn’t it? How many times have you been scolded as a child when you have done something  in an easy way rather than the usual harder way? How many times have you been called as “tamad” when you just used your brain to make things easier for you?  Since childhood, we were taught to be good hardworkers, to go to school, work hard to get good grades, get a job and work hard to get a promotion and work even harder. Are we supposed to grow old to die of hard work? Or are we supposed to enjoy life as is passes by? Surely I have nothing against  being industrious, but as we could see it takes more than just a sense of industry to get rich. One of the most hardworking people we know are those jeepney drivers we see everyday. Its quite hard to drive amidst the crazy traffic and undisciplined drivers and pedestrians, yet they still manage to shift gears, accept fare and give passengers their “change”, makes sure everyone gets seated and mentally keeps tab on who has paid already from the ever changing faces of passengers. Great deal of hard work right? But have you ever seen a jeepney driver rising from rags to riches because of driving his now old beaten down jeepney? Well then if hard work cannot take us there then what? Sir John(Calub) would say “work smart” instead of working hard. This is similarly true to what Robert Kiyosaki said in hid Rich Dad, Poor Dad book, that “rich people never work for money” onstead they let money work for more money. There are many ways in which one can make money for the least amount of work to do, you could invest, build business, or do networking to name a few. If you would take a closer look, all business that are successful used networking as a strategy because it multiplies a single effort into many efforts. Look at Jollibee, McDo, SM and many more, would they be successful if they have not done networking?I don’t think so. Even Jesus built a network of 12 apostles as a start so they could preach to more people than what He could personally do.
                So instead we say“no pain,all gain”: Empowering Belief: “Money comes to me easily and frequently”.

Limiting Belief: “Wealth is Either-Or”—You cannot have everything in your life

                This is also one popular belief that nobody could ever have it all in their life. When you have intelligence, then you are doomed to be dumb in love. When you have money, you relationships would be insanely wrecked. When you have lots of money, you cannot be a spiritual person.
                For quite sometime we have been taught not to expect too much in life, that one must not strive to achieve success in all fields of life and sometimes even to submit to mediocrity. But why? Why can’t we have health, financial success, good relationship, spirituality and self-actualization at the same time?  Is there a universal law to that? Are we doomed to choose only one? Should we have money and lose it all when health fails?
                We all know that God said: “Ask and you shall receive”....that’s it.No conditions whatsoever. He did not say choose and you shall receive, thus it affirms the fact that we are in fact beings with “infinite potentials”. God wants us to prosper and He will give anything we ask for if we are ready for it. Ask, believe and He will surely give you what you have asked for.
                Being rich is not synonimous with being wealthy as the former is limited only to financial success whereas the latter involves success in all areas of life: Empowering Belief: “I Can Have it All!!!”

Limiting Belief:  “Knowledge is Power”

                No, not really on the contrary of Mr.Ernie’s “Kung walang knowledge, walang Power”...but knowledge in itself is not power. Why not? Here’s a simple explanation to that. Looking back at our education starting when we were still young, we were taught of so many things about the world. We have learned that Li(Lithium) is the third element of the table of elements, that Au as a symbol for Gold comes from its latin name Aurum, and so many things more. We memorized many things like dates, names of people whom we never had any interest of knowing until our brains would give up from the information overload. Laurels and praise went to those who can memorize the best and could write the most correct answers and futures foretold that they will be successful when time comes. Years later, we left school either by graduation, by failure or by choice and went on to life. If you landed on the job, you will immediately know that most of the time of education were wasted memorizing things that will never ever be useful in real life.
                Years more, and your high school batch decided to hold a homecoming celebration. See yourself and others. Are those consistent at the top list the most successful people now? Way more of then than yes is a big NO. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Henry name a few out of the many richest persons, whats their common denominator? They were not able to finish their quest for education. I did not say education is altogether useless but many within the system of our education are useless things that only fill important spaces in our memories that should have been used for things that matter.
                Knowledge alone is pretty much useless if it cannot be translated into a productive action. Many great things in  this world even came without their investors knowing exactly what they have created. When knowledge is put to action and tested through time thats when it becomes wisdom. And he who wields great wisdom wields great power for he knows and knows what to do to make his knowledge work for his best advantage.
Knowledge alone is not power: Empowering Belief: “Wisdom is Power”
 So, till next week guys!!! Again my heartfelt thanks to Mr. John Calub for presenting to me with these ideas. pictures of prosperity above are linked to my business blog. It is by the way a sure shot business with no chance of investment failure.If you are interested, you may click on the pictures or click here

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Impossible? nothing!!!

Have you ever wanted to buy something for yourself or achieve something but your “realistic thinking” dissolved your dreams since they are way IMPOSSIBLE for you to achieve? I do too....until I have attended a seminar (How to Become a Money Magnet) by Sir John Calub which made me realize that many ideas that we have, and many of them instilled in us when we’re still young are LARGELY WRONG. What I thought as realistic ideas in life really are actually cynical ideas about life. I used to think that it would be foolish to ever think that I can earn more than 500k a month or even a million a month for in reality there’s just no way for me to ever do it. Sounds familiar right? I used to create a “realistic limit” to my capacities because it is just what I thought I could ever do. Until recently, Sir John Calub knocked some sense into me just like how he did it for many other people who attained success because of him. He reminded us that we are born perfect –endowed with infinite potential. Isn’t it what the scripture has said? We are created in His own image and likeness, so how come that we are actually limiting ourselves by thinking WE CAN’T? 

                If we look back at our childhood, we used to have those ideas of what we will be when we grow of age. Be it a doctor, engineer, astronaut or even SUPERMAN! Media and our parents then started giving us the “realities of life” which eventually smothered our burning desire to achieve our highest potential. I personally do not blame any parent for those ideas because they too have been made to believe and lived those ideas all their life. They were also told “Anak ok lng na wala tayong pera, di naman tayo nag-aaway sa pamilya natin”- so they too grew up thinking it’s really ok to stay where they were financially. Most of us were made to think that money is the source of all evil, so we grew up thinking that having more money than what we just need is not good. Even telenovelas would portray the rich as those who are oppressors, gangsters and people who use money to exploit the weak and poor. We grew up hating the rich consciously or subconsiously which of course prevents us from becoming rich no matter what we do.

                Is money really the root of all evil? They  told us so, but if it really is then why can’t we just exist without it? Whoever started this thought may have missed something that was written in the scriptures. Isn’t it written in the scriptures that God said “ I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you”? Take a look at the famous people within the Holy Scriptures...aren’t they rich themselves? King Solomon is the richest man who ever walked the face of the earth is a holy man. So money/gold is not really the source of all evil since King Solomon has so much of it yet he managed to stay close to God. Indeed money is never the source of all is the LOVE of money and the LACK of money that is the source of all evil. When you love money so much, you will be consumed with avarice and you will most likely do anything to get more and more money for yourself. Lack of money is the most common reason why people commit crimes.  So what does money do to us? It does not actually make us good or bad, rather it just magnifies who we really are. A good man blessed with much money will become even better and tend to share what he has and you can guess the opposite. Money is a form of energy, a positive energy which cannot be created nor destroyed. As positive energy it must freely flow to us and back to the world. Whenever you give something to the universe freely, it comes back in multitudes for the universe is designed to work that way. Try it out yourself and you’ll be surprised of the amazing results.

                Still wondering why as a child we are able to think we can be whatever we wanted to be? Because as a child we acknowledge the fact that we are LIMITLESS individuals. It is the same pattern of thinking that made people reach heights no one ever thought of as POSSIBLE. This pattern of thinking makes us say “WHY NOT?” instead of “it can’t be”. Many wrong ideas have been instilled in our minds, so long that these ideas have been imprinted into our subconscious. But still there is time to effect a change... to go back to those days where ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Let us start by discarding those limiting beliefs and adopt those beliefs which could empower us. Remember THOUGHTS eventually become THINGS...and a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE MIND is all we need to become  MULTI-MILLIONAIREs (“WHY NOT?”) ourselves. 

Next blog, I will share what I have learned about those limiting beliefs and what better empowering beliefs we should replace them with.... more power everyone!!! A positive mind attracts positive things!!!  Thanks to Sir John Calub for all these learnings!!! You are a blessing to humanity!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Passive Income? why not?- the power of leveraging

     I have always wanted to be financially free. To not worry where to get the money I need to survive and live comfortably, to be able to do anything I wanted to do and not worry about having or not having  a job.
If raindrops were money then everyone would worry no more...freakishly weird thought; but what if it could really happen? What if there is a way for your to earn even while you are enjoying the warmth of the sun on a beach? What if your could make money while not killing yourself doing hard work? Would you grab the chance?
     For years I have worked HARD to earn a living a perhaps have a healthy savings. I have even tried going on a night duty(11pm-7am) and do lectures from 7:30am to 4pm, sleep for a while then go on night duty again and so on. Tiring isn't it? I must be raking in money for it, but I'm not.For years of hard work, I have realized one thing: no matter how hard you work ALONE, you can only go so as your eyes could see. Then I started asking myself, "Why of all the hard work I've done I'm still struggling financially"? To search for an answer or answers, I surfed the net and many names and strategies came up. I was struck by the ideas of Robert Kiyosaki in his Rich Dad,Poor Dad book; indeed I was brought up living the ideas given by his "poor dad". So that is why I'm poor and struggling just to stay above my debts. With his ideas I started looking for opportunities to get out of the rat race I have participated ever since I signed up for my first job. 
I now have the idea but the problem is I don't have enough capital to start investing in stocks, real estate or any other business. Still reading for some more idea, I came back to the first lesson Robert has been trying to teach : "Rich people do not work for money". Indeed they don't, they just let their money work hard for them by paying other people do the job for them and in doing so they apply the principle of leveraging. What is leveraging? Simply put, it is your capacity to do an action(earn) multiplied by the number of people working for you.Even if you are doing something else or even sleeping, somebody else is working hard for you to earn- now that's passive income.
     Given the fact that I have a very limited capital and I wanted to employ leveraging and get myself a passive income, I continued my search until I came up with an opportunity (perhaps it is more accurate to say the opportunity presented itself to me). A former student of mine presented to me a business opportunity with a good plan, using the principle of leverage and what makes the business even better than others is that it actually answers a basic need and has a wide range of market.

     LoadXtreme by V Mobile is a business opportunity founded by PentaCapital (a finance institution) which aims to empower the people who uses prepaid services. It is a fact that since the year 2000, a new basic need has emerged and that is prepaid load service. Almost everyone you know now uses at least one cellphone that consumes load everyday and goes home to watch TV shows on a prepaid cable service or do games in the internet which requires prepaid gamecards. We now have the product and a very large market pool. So how does it work?
     To simply explain the business plan, let me summarize everything into three benefits that you and your family will get when you start this business: CONVENIENCE, DISCOUNTS, and EXTRA INCOME.

         Everybody wants to live conveniently. That's why we have remote control for out TV sets, elevators, escalators, walkalators and many  more to make life easier to live. Looking for a load retailer is not always easy nor convenient. Have you ever had trouble because you ran out of load and can't find anyone who can provide you with the prepaid load you need? I do, and this is a major reason I did the business. I find it too inconvenient to get out of my house to buy prepaid load and sometimes end up frustrated when I cannot find a load retailer especially at night. V Mobile provides you with the ability to load yourself and whomever you like to anytime,anywhere, using any cellphone or sim or even through the internet. To add more, you can share your access to your family members so they can also load themselves up without bothering you if you are busy doing something else. All these would come from one loadwallet unlike the traditional loading system wherein you need to purchase different loader SIMs and maintain different loadwallets which are limited to cellphone networks only.For further convenience, it is easy to keep track with your loads through the online inventory and loading system @ Ain't that great? Here's more....

     Everybody would love to purchase at a discounted rate- who doesn't? With V Mobile, every time you load up you will get 8-11% discount instantly. Have ever been given a discount by your friendly neighborhood load retailer? I guess not, they may even charge you more if you happen to load up with anything less than P30. If you think the discount is very minimal then think about this; how much interest would banks give for a regular deposit? Thats roughly around 1-3% per annum, yet you still dream of putting your money into something that would earn only very little in a very long period of time. Now, is 8-11% very little for a discount?I don't  think so. If you like a little math then do this: get the total prepaid consumption of your whole family( you may even include those that you think you can load up when you start the business) for a day, then get a monthly(x30) then a yearly projection(x12). Quite a large number right? More or less that's how much we spend on prepaid load per year. Now multiply it with the average discount(10% or 0.1) The result would be the amount that you can save in a year from the usual day-to-day load that we use. Think that's all money you can get?That's just savings. Here's the earning part....

     When you avail of the Technopreneur Membership, and of course enjoyed the perks of doing the business and you happened to share this business opportunity with another person who wanted to get started with business, you will get an endorser's fee(Direct Sales Incentive) of P500 once he/she signs up as a technopreneur also. Now if you love sharing and you want to help more prepaid consumers enjoy the same perks as you did, good for you because there is no limit as to the number of endorsements that you can make(which means unlimited potential for earning P500 everytime another person starts a business with your help).
 Take note that unlike other MLMs we at V Mobile employ the binary system which means each account is limited only to two downlines. This is to promote teamwork and not individual effort. Which means if I am the mentor, I will not make everyone I see as my downline because I am limited to 2 only and all of those whom I have endorsed after my first 2 will be placed on my downlines who need them the most.
Earning does not stop from there, where's the passive income? Here it is. Now since it will be a team effort and my downlines will eventually endorse also with or without me as the case may be, then with every new pair of names that will appear on my team A and team B, I will get a royalty bonus(team sales bonus) of P500 which is also unlimited!!!! This is passive income!!!

     And you guessed it right..there's more!!! As a technopreneur(dealer) you are given 20 access cards which can be sold to would-be retailers(technousers:those who wants to do business but do not have enough capital to be a technopreneur yet) at P250 (excluding the loadwallet). Which means 20xP250= P5000. And here's another catch, everytime they sell load you instantly get 1-2% of the load value which will be added to your OWN loadwallet. Profit on top of profit!!! Most retailers sell at a minimum of P1000/day, say 20 retailers sold only the minimum per day(P20,000 all in a day) you will get a passive loadwallet income of P200/day or P6,000 loadwallet per month.

Here is an example of you earning if you happened to have started the business, endorsed two people,got tired and did something else and left the business to rot while the other 2 people endorsed 2 each,got tired also and so on.
     A staggering income of P1,924,500!!!!!! and all you did is to endorse 2 persons,taught them what the business is, how it works and then had your vacation.

     So what are you waiting for? Its a great deal right? a single Technopreneur membership only costs P3988(excluding loadwallet). if you did your calculations above, then you can surely say this amount is almost equal to zero since return of investment if very fast and potential for earning is very high.
    If you have noticed, the 12th month income should have been at more than P1,000,000 mark but what reflected on the income board was P900,000. As a safety feature of the company, the installed a safety net on the maximum earning potential/account of P30,000/day or P210,000/week or P900,000/month.
Want more than just P30,000 a day income? Then apply for higher potential multiple-head accounts!!! Example is the Tri-pack(3 accounts) for P11,964 only--it allows you to multiply the safety net value to 3 times(P90,000/day) or the 7-accounts @ P27,916(safety net x 7=P210,000/day income potential!!!)

     Whew!!! great business plan, very high earning potential with good value for money as the product itself is already a basic need of the people. The more you can help in terms of starting and doing business, the more income goes to your pocket.

If you have reached this part of reading then you must have followed your good instinct about this business. The hardest part of doing business is how to get yourself started. Don't ever think that your life will just do a flip and become successful if won't do a change of routine. Do you ever expect that someday you'll get a salary of P900,000 if you still do your job right now? Im not saying you should quit because this business does not require your full time presence as Robert said: "If your business earns only when you are physically present then it is a job and not a business".

Contact me now and let's do BUSINESS!!!
CP: 0922-7492553(sun)
CP: 0926-9016948(tm)